Climate Collaboratives FAQ
What are the objectives of the Climate Collaboratives?
These are projects to co-produce adaptation and mitigation strategies with community partners that are based on interdisciplinary work and are actionable. The funded projects will share knowledge and contribute to developing best practices for collaborative community-based climate research at locations in Virginia and throughout the world.
- What are the proposal requirements, selection criteria, and deadlines?
- All of these have been listed on the application page.
Aside from principal investigators, postdocs, and students, is it possible to hire someone to a staff position, such as a project manager?
Yes, this is a possibility, with appropriate justification. Specific project managers are not required. The Institute will hire a Program Coordinator to work with all projects.
When would be the actual start date for projects?
Projects can start on or after August 2023.
Can we use funding for gathering people together, such as attending a conference or pulling people into a workshop?
Yes, if these meetings are justified for the project.
Are there budget limitations for external collaborators (i.e., faculty from other universities)?
No, there is no specific limitation but the program is geared to enhance collaborations across UVA. There may be reasons to involve faculty or people from other institutions, and this is allowable with appropriate justification. This should be described in the letter of intent, and EI will give feedback.
Who evaluates the proposals?
There is an Advisory Committee for the program comprised of faculty from five of UVA’s schools that will review the proposals.
Are we able to collaborate with international agencies, like the World Bank?
Yes, as long as the collaboration advances place-based work.
Is there a preference for funding new teams, or can we have existing teams?
The Institute is open and imagines a mix of new and existing teams. The Institute’s Spark grants are one mechanism to jump-start collaborations and assemble a team that could develop a Climate Collaborative proposal.
How many co-PIs can there be?
There is no specific limit; the project leaders should decide what is necessary and within the allowable budget.
Is there a preference for the study to be in Virginia or the United States?
There is no preference for the project to be in Virginia or the United States. The Institute seeks geographic diversity in the projects funded. This means there will likely be projects in many places in the world, including Virginia.
Do we expect external partners to provide funds as well?
There is no requirement for matching funds, but in some cases this could enhance the work proposed. It is anticipated that some community members, such as non-governmental organizations and implementing partners, will be compensated for their work from the grant.
Should we include educational components, such as roles for students who go abroad to be part of the project?
There is not a specific educational requirement beyond the research training for students.
In terms of outputs, should projects focus on delivering something enduring on the ground, or would other outputs be considered valid?
The goal is to develop both projects on the ground that will endure, and also best practices and a framework for how UVA can continue to do this interdisciplinary research in partnership with communities.